Lunch: English Peas with Cider Dressing, Goat Cheese and Flowers


8 ounces shelled fresh English peas
1 tablespoon chervil or parsley leaves, plus small sprigs for garnish
Kosher salt
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon cider vinegar
1 tablespoon apple juice
1 tablespoon chopped mint
3 ounces semi-firm goat cheese, such as Ticklemore, thinly sliced and at room temperature
2 ounces pea shoots
Pea or nasturtium flowers, for garnish


In a saucepan of salted boiling water, blanch the peas for 1 minute. Drain and transfer to an ice bath to cool. Drain well and pat dry. Transfer to a small bowl.
On a cutting board, mince the 1 tablespoon of chervil with 1/4 teaspoon of salt. In a small bowl, whisk the olive oil with the cider vinegar and apple juice and season with salt and pepper.
Add the mint, chervil salt and 1 tablespoon of the dressing to the peas. Season with salt and pepper and toss to coat. Spoon the peas onto plates and top with a few cheese slices.
In a bowl, toss the pea shoots with 1 tablespoon of the dressing; season with salt and pepper. Spoon onto the cheese; garnish with flowers and chervil sprigs.


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