Dessert: French Snowman Cupcakes

Fun decorated cupcakes that are perfect for winter gatherings!


1 box white cake mix, prepared as 12 cupcakes
2 cans prepared white frosting
12 large marshmallows
2 cups coconut
chocolate drop-shaped candies, for a beret
candy corn, for a carrot nose
mini chocolate chips, for eyes and buttons
fruit strips, cut in two for a colorful scarf


Preheat oven to 350 º
Frost cupcakes with a rounded mound of of the frosting. Place the coconut in a bowl and dip the frosted cupcakes in the coconut. Place dipped cupcakes on a baking sheet and put tray in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. Remove from the refrigerator and using the remaining frosting as glue for the snowman's clothing, eyes and nose. Place in the refrigerator when finished. Have fun! Use whatever candy you like. Make it your own.


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