Dinner: Traditional Meatloaf

A pork and lean ground beef meatloaf with peppers, onion, and tomato.


1 large egg
1 dash pepper
1 dash salt
1 lb ground pork
1/2 cup chopped onions
1/2 cup chopped green peppers
15 oz crushed tomatoes
1 tbsp ketchup
2 lbs lean ground beef


1. Dice onions and peppers and add to pork and ground beef mixture in a large mixing bowl. Pre-heat oven to 400° F (200° C).

2. Drain juice from canned tomatoes and set aside.

3. Add 3/4 of the can of crushed tomatoes to the meat mixture. Add egg and combine all ingredients. Season to taste.

4. Spray baking pan (with raised edges) with cooking spray (like Pam) and shape mixture into a loaf. Make a dent or well in top of loaf.

5. Bake meatloaf in oven for about 30 minutes. While meatloaf is baking wisk together tomato juice and ketchup and set aside.

6. After 30 minutes, remove meatloaf and add the remainingg crushed tomatoes to the top of meatloaf and coat with half the tomato/ketchup mixture and bake for another 15 minutes.

7. Drizzle remaining tomato/ketchup mixture and return to oven until finished (about 15 more minutes).


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