Lunch: Piggy Burgers Recipe | Myrecipes

Recipe by Vanessa McNeil Rocchio Look for ground pork at the meat counter at the supermarket. We recommend a blend that's not too fatty, such as an 8 5/15 mix of lean pork to fat.


1 pound ground pork
4 thick bacon slices, cooked and crumbled
2 teaspoons molasses-bacon seasoning blend
4 hamburger buns, toasted
Toppings: Onion-Spiked Pickles, bottled barbecue sauce


Preheat grill to 350 ° to 400 ° (medium-high) heat. Combine first 3 ingredients. Gently shape mixture into 4 (4-inch) patties.
Grill patties, covered with grill lid, 5 minutes on each side or until pork is no longer pink. Serve on buns with desired toppings.
Note: We tested with McCormick Grill Mates Molasses Bacon Seasoning.


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