Lunch: Biscuit Cinnamon Sweet Rolls Recipe | Myrecipes

Recipe by Pam Lolley Make sure the butter you spread over the tender dough is very soft; otherwise, the dough will tear.

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Health and fertility benefits of Biscuit Cinnamon Sweet Rolls Recipe | Myrecipes

Cinnamon is one of the best ingredients that someone with insulin sensitivity can eat. Half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day has been shown to be very effective at normalizing blood sugar levels. Cinnamon contains hydroxychalcone, which is thought to enhance the effects of insulin. It has also been suggested that Cinnamon prevents post-meal blood sugar spikes by slowing the gastric emptying rate - meaning that food digests slowly. (Reference:


1/4 cup frozen shortening, cut into small pieces
1/4 cup cold butter, cut into small cubes
2 1/2 cups self-rising flour
1 cup buttermilk
Wax paper
6 tablespoons butter, softened
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Vegetable cooking spray
Creamy Glaze


Preheat oven to 450 °. Cut shortening and butter into flour with a pastry blender or fork in a medium bowl until crumbly and mixture resembles small peas. Freeze 10 minutes.
Make a well in center of flour mixture; add buttermilk, and stir with a fork just until dough comes together.
Turn dough out onto a heavily floured surface, and knead 8 to 10 times. Transfer dough to a heavily floured piece of wax paper about 18 inches long. Roll dough into a 14- x 10-inch rectangle.
Spread dough with softened butter, leaving a 1/2-inch border. (Make sure butter is very soft, and spread it gently.) Stir together sugars and cinnamon; sprinkle over butter. Lift and tilt wax paper, and roll up dough, jelly-roll fashion, starting at 1 long side and using wax paper as a guide. Cut dough into 14 to 16 (1-inch-thick) slices. Place rolls in a lightly greased (with cooking spray) 9-inch round pan.
Bake at 450 ° for 13 to 15 minutes or until rolls are golden brown. Cool in pan on a wire rack 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare Creamy Glaze, and drizzle over rolls.


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