Dinner: Mushroom and Spinach Quiche

A good veggie filler for low carb diets, served with a fresh green salad this dish goes a long way.


1 tbsp butter
8 oz sharp cheddar cheese, grated
1/2 cup heavy cream
5 large eggs
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1/2 tsp salt
8 oz mushrooms
4 oz onions, finely chopped


1. In a large pan sauté mushrooms and onions in butter until tender.

2. Remove from the heat and stir in spinach.

3. Whisk the eggs in a large bowl.

4. Add in the cream, salt and pepper and whisk well.

5. Add in the mushroom mixture and stir well.

6. Stir in the cheese. Pour the mixture into a greased 10" pie plate.

7. Bake at 350 °F (175 °C) for 35-40 minutes or until set and slightly browned.

8. Let stand for 10 minutes before cutting and serving. Freezes well.


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