Snack: The Ultimate Brownie Sundae

Recipe by Elizabeth Green Chocolate has the incredible ability to stand alone quite nicely while playing along with loads of other prominent ingredients—without being a bully. And that is why a brownie sundae can be so frustrating: How can you settle on


6 (6- by 1 1/2 -inch) strips of the Ultimate Brownie
1 pint each of vanilla, chocolate, and coffee ice cream
Red Berry Sauce
Warm Chocolate Fudge Sauce
Marshmallow Sauce
Special equipment: A small (1 3/4- to 1 1/2-inch-wide) ice cream scoop (optional)


Put brownie strips on each of 6 plates and top with small scoops (or curls) of vanilla, chocolate, and coffee ice cream, arranged side by side. Spoon your sauce of choice over each scoop of ice cream.


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