Dessert: Dark Chocolate Milkshake with "Fluffy" Coconut Whipped Cream

Recipe by Bobby Flay This is my homage to what I consider to be one of the best candy bars on the planet: Fran's Gold Coconut Bar, created by Fran's Chocolates in Seattle. The bar consists of bittersweet chocolate wrapped around a creamy coconut–white ch


1/4 c. heavy cream
2 tbsp. heavy cream
3 tbsp. cream of coconut (such as Coco Lopéz)
2 tbsp. marshmallow Fluff
1/3 c. whole milk
3 tbsp. Chocolate Syrup
11 oz. premium chocolate ice cream (about 1 3/4 packed cups)
Toasted, dried, shredded sweetened coconut (optional)


Combine the heavy cream, cream of coconut, and Marshmallow Fluff in a medium bowl. Using a handheld mixer, whip until stiff peaks form.
Combine the milk and chocolate syrup in a blender and blend for 5 seconds. Add the ice cream and blend until smooth, about 10 seconds. Pour 1/3 of the milkshake into a 16-ounce glass and top with 1/4 cup of the coconut cream mixture. Repeat with another 1/3 of the milkshake and 1/4 cup coconut cream. Top with the remaining 2 tablespoons coconut cream and garnish with toasted coconut, if desired. Serve immediately.


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