Lunch: Summer Phyllo Pizza


7 phyllo
5 tbsp. unsalted butter
7 tbsp. Parmesan cheese
1 c. mozzarella
1 c. red onion
2 lb. tomatoes
1 tsp. fresh thyme
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
thyme sprigs


Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Place phyllo between 2 sheets of waxed paper and cover with a damp towel to prevent drying out. Brush a large cookie sheet with melted butter.
Lay 1 sheet of phyllo on buttered cookie sheet. Lightly brush top of phyllo with butter. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese on top of butter.
Lay on another sheet of phyllo and press so that it adheres to the first layer. Butter, sprinkle, and layer remaining phyllo sheets in the same way, ending with a sheet of phyllo and reserving the last tablespoon of Parmesan cheese.
Sprinkle top sheet of phyllo with mozzarella. Scatter onion evenly over cheese. Arrange tomatoes in 1 layer over onion. Sprinkle with thyme, oregano, and remaining Parmesan cheese.
Bake for 20 to 30 minutes, watching that phyllo only browns and does not burn. Garnish with fresh thyme.


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