Lunch: Crispy Chicken

Recipe by Barbara Chernetz Try something new with the chicken in your freezer - panko breadcrumbs add crunch to this recipe. Best of all, it only takes 15 minutes!


1 large egg
1 tsp. roasted ground cumin
1 c. Italian-style panko breadcrumbs
4 boneless, skinless chicken-breast halves
3 tbsp. olive oil


Whisk egg and cumin in a medium bowl. Spread breadcrumbs on a sheet of wax paper, dip chicken into egg mixture, then coat in breadcrumbs.
Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Cook chicken 10 minutes, turning every few minutes until crisp.
Serve chicken with a salad of tomato, avocado, and red onion drizzled with a little more olive oil and fresh lime juice.


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