Drink: Chemex Brewed Coffee, Using a Metal Kone Filter


40 grams whole coffee beans
600 grams water, plus more for rinsing


Insert a Kone coffee filter into a Chemex carafe. In a burr grinder set to a medium-fine grind size, grind the coffee beans. Heat the water until it reaches 206 ° on an instant-read thermometer; alternatively, bring the water to a boil, then let stand for 1 minute.
Pour some of the hot water into the carafe, thoroughly rinsing and preheating the filter and carafe. Discard the rinsing water.
Pour the ground coffee into the filter. Place the Chemex on a kitchen scale and set the scale to zero. Pour 80 grams of the hot water all over the coffee grounds, thoroughly saturating them. Let stand until the coffee stops bubbling, about 1 minute.
Pour 120 grams of the hot water onto the coffee in a thin, steady, spiral stream, working from the center of the filter to the edge, then back to the center again. Working in roughly 100-gram increments, pour the remaining 400 grams of hot water in a small circular motion in the center of the filter; maintain a water level that is just high enough that the coffee is never exposed to air. Allow all of the coffee to drain into the carafe and serve.


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