Drink: WTF?! Punch

Recipe by Candace Braun Davison Just take a sip and you'll understand.


3 qt. (16 c.) water
12 single-serving black tea bags
1 c. sugar


Make the Sweet Tea: In a medium pot, bring 1 quart water (4 cups) to a boil. Remove it from heat, and add in tea bags, dunking them a few times before resting the strings over the edge of the pot. Let them steep for 7 to 10 minutes, then remove. Add sugar, stirring until dissolved. Pour into a large pitcher (or divide among pitchers) and top with remaining 2 quarts of water. Chill 4 to 6 hours.
Make the Punch: Pour 2/3 bottle of Jack Daniel’s into the tea, then add ginger ale and lemon juice. Stir to combine. (Add more whiskey to taste, if desired.) Fill pitcher with lemon slices. Serve in glasses filled with ice.


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