Breakfast: Marblehead Soft Scrambled Egg, Corn, and Cheddar Cheese

Recipe by Kenny Shopsin I named this for Lloyd Kramer, a regular customer and a onetime pretty famous reporter, now director, who's from a suburb outside Boston called Marblehead. Lloyd is on a healthy diet now, but before that, when he ordered what he w


1 teaspoon clarified butter
regular butter, or ghee
6 extra-large eggs
1/3 cup feather-shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 teaspoon heavy cream
A big handful of frozen corn kernels (about 1 cup)


Heat the butter in a nonstick egg pan over medium heat.
Whisk the eggs, cheese, and cream together in a bowl.
Pour into the pan and cook the eggs as for Scrambled Eggs.
When the eggs are almost done, add the corn and continue to cook until the eggs are done and the corn is warmed through.


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