Lunch: Macaroni with Summer Squash, Salami and Ricotta Tomato Sauce

Sun-dried tomatoes add lots of flavor to the sauce. If you prefer zucchini, you can use it in place of the summer squash.


2 tbsp. Cooking oil
1 1/2 lb. summer squash (about 4)
3 cloves garlic
3/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. dried oregano
1/2 c. ricotta cheese
1/2 c. sun-dried tomatoes packed in oil
1/4 lb. sliced salami
.13 tsp. fresh-ground black pepper
3/4 lb. elbow macaroni
1/4 c. grated Parmesan cheese


In a large frying pan, heat the oil over moderately high heat. Add the summer squash, minced garlic, salt, and the oregano and cook, stirring, until tender, about 5 minutes. Add the ricotta cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, salami, and the pepper.
In a large pot of boiling, salted water, cook the macaroni until just done, about 8 minutes. Drain and toss the pasta with the sauce. Top with the Parmesan.
Notes: Sun-Dried Tomatoes: Oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes come in a jar and need only to be drained before using. Sun-dried tomatoes are also available without the oil, usually in cellophane bags. You can substitute one type for the other.
Wine Recommendation: We suggest you look for a refreshing white wine to pair with this lively Italian-inspired. dish. A pinot grigio or a Galestro from Italy will serve admirably.


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