Lunch: Mango Tango Salsa

Sure, you could eat salsa from a jar, but the fresh flavor of homemade salsa explodes in your mouth like the store-bought kind never can. To ensure that none of that flavor explodes in your eyes or other unwelcome places, wash your hands with soap after t


2 ripe mangoes
Juice of 1 ⁄2 lime
1/2 medium red onion
1/4 c. cilantro
1 chili pepper minced (optional)
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. salt


How to dice a mango: A large, flat pit runs through the center of a mango, so you can’t cut it in half the normal way. Instead, cut to either side of the pit. The pit has some good fruit around it, too. Use the table knife to cut a grid pattern in the mango flesh. Then turn the mango half inside out so it looks like a porcupine. Knock the mango chunks into a mixing bowl or serving dish.
Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl or the serving dish. Have a taste and adjust the flavors until they are just right for you.


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