Snack: Hot Fudge Sundae Brownie Cups

Recipe by Candace Braun Davison To make each brownie cup, you'll need two identical cupcake tins: One to press on top of the tin filled with freshly baked brownies. If you don't have a second tin, try using a 1/3-cup measuring cup. Press into each browni


1 box brownie mix (plus any ingredients the mix requires)
1 c. quartered strawberries
1 tsp. sugar
1 half-gallon ice cream in your favorite flavor
1 jar fudge sauce


Preheat the oven and prepare the brownie batter according to the brownie mix's instructions. Pour the batter into the cups of a muffin tin, filling each one only two-thirds of the way full. Bake according to the package's instructions.
Grease the bottom of a second, matching muffin tin—or the bottom of a measuring cup that fits inside of the muffin tin—and press it into each freshly baked brownie. We let the brownies sit for 2 minutes before starting this process, just so they could firm up a little, but not so much that they'd be too hard to press.
If using two muffin tins, keep the two pressed together until the brownies have cooled, about 20 minutes. If using measuring cups, keep them pressed for a minute or two before gently removing them. (We found it was easier to pop the brownie cup out of the muffin tin, still attached to the measuring cup, then gently twist it off. Keep the measuring cup well greased—these brownie cups have a tendency to crumble easily when you pull them out.)
Place the chopped strawberries and sugar in a small bowl and leave in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to sweeten the berries and pull out any juices.
Fill each brownie cup with a scoop of your favorite ice cream, fudge sauce, and strawberries. Serve immediately.


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