Lunch: Spaghetti Squash with Olives and Pecorino

Cook spaghetti squash the no-fuss way using the microwave — then just scrape into strands, garnish, and serve.


1 small spaghetti squash
1/4 c. Kalamata olives
3 tbsp. Grated Pecorino Romano cheese
2 tbsp. chopped parsley
1 tbsp. olive oil
2 tsp. red wine vinegar


Pierce spaghetti squash all over. On plate, microwave squash on High 14 minutes or until tender. Let cool.
Cut squash in half lengthwise; discard seeds. With fork, scrape squash lengthwise; place strands in medium bowl.
Mix in olives, Pecorino Romano, parsley, olive oil, and red wine vinegar.


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