Appetizer: Pistachio Goat Cheese Balls

Goat cheese formed into balls with seasoning, then rolled in crushed pistachios.


3 oz soft goat cheese
1 tsp white pepper
2 medium diced figs
1 tbsp chopped chives
1/4 serrano pepper, finely diced
30 kernels pistachios, crushed


1. Mash everything except the pistachios into the goat cheese using a fork.

2. Form teaspoon sized balls with the goat cheese mix by rolling them in between your hands. If the goat cheese is too soft, let it chill in the fridge for 20 minutes until it hardens.

3. Place crushed pistachios in a small bowl. Roll the goat cheese balls to cover in the nuts.

4. Serve with some sliced cantaloupe and/or frozen grapes.

5. Note: for optimum results, drizzle a balsamic and honey reduction on the plate. Easier than it sounds! But you can also just drizzle regular balsamic, honey and pepper if you don't want to make a reduction.


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