Dessert: Fruity Berry Tarts With Vanilla Cashew Cream

Recipe by Lorraine Pascale Berries are such a great source of nutrients called polyphenols, which make them and the foods they are mixed with a lovely slow energy releaser, perfect to avoid those unwanted energy highs and then lows after eating refined s


Canola oil, for greasing


Grease four (5-inch) individual, loose-bottomed, fluted or straight-sided tart tins and set aside on a tray.
Place the dates and pecans for the crust in a food processor or mini blender and blitz until they start to clump together. Divide this mixture equally among the tins. Press the mixture onto the base and up the sides of each one, making sure it is of even thickness. Place in the fridge to set for 30 minutes while you get on with the rest of the recipe.
Place the soaked and drained cashews, the dates and vanilla seeds in a food processor or mini blender along with 1/2 cup of cold water. Blend until as smooth as possible to give a creamy mixture.
Once the tart bases have set and are feeling firm, remove them from the fridge and divide the cashew cream among them. Spread it out evenly with the back of the spoon. Top with the berries and then scatter over the mint or basil to serve.


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