Lunch: Smoky Veggie Quesadillas

Recipe by The Good Housekeeping Test Kitchen Creamy Velveeta and grilled veggies make this one hearty quesadilla.


2 peppers, quartered
2 summer squash, sliced
1 tbsp. oil
1 tbsp. chili powder
4 large tortillas
8 oz. sliced Velveeta
Sour cream, for serving
Salsa, for serving
Cilantro, for serving


Toss peppers and summer squash with oil and chili powder. Grill on medium-high 7 minutes. Slice peppers.
On half of large flour tortilla, layer 1 ounce Velveeta, one-quarter of veggies and another 1 ounce Velveeta. Fold; press closed. Repeat with remaining tortillas. Grill until Veleveeta melts (turn once).
Top with sour cream, salsa, and cilantro.


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