Dinner: Stuffed Poblano Peppers


1 lb. Ground Pork
1 tbsp. Bacon Fat
4 Poblano Peppers
1/2 Small Onion
1 Vine Tomato
7 Baby Bella Mushrooms
1/4 cup Cilantro, packed
1 tsp. Cumin
1 tsp. Chili Powder
Salt Pepper to taste


1. Get all of the vegetables ready. 1 small onion, 1 vine tomato, 1 clove garlic, a handful of cilantro and about 7 baby bell mushrooms.

2. Clean the mushrooms, then slice them. Slice the onions, dice the tomato, and mince the garlic. Roughly chop the cilantro and set aside(alternatively, you can do this before you put it into the pan).
3. Put your oven on broil setting and broil the poblano peppers on a cookie sheet. You’ll want to broil them for about 8-10 minutes. Every 1-2 minutes, move them around and flip them to get consistent char marks on each side.
4. Once finished, you should have charred poblanos.
5. Using a paper towel to your fingers, peel the outer skin off of the peppers and set aside.
6. In a pan, start to saute 1 lb. ground pork and 1 tbsp. bacon fat over medium-high heat. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

7. Once the pork is starting to brown, add 1 tsp. cumin and 1 tsp. chili powder. Move the pork to one half of the pan, then add the onions and garlic to soften.
8. Once the onions and garlic have softened, add the mushrooms and mix everything together. Season with salt and pepper again, to taste.
9. As the mushrooms begin to soak up the excess grease in the pan, add the diced tomato and chopped cilantro to the pan.
10. Make a long slice in the poblano pepper from the stem to the bottom. You should be able to use your fingers to open it up and use a spoon to scoop out the seeds inside. The seeds will add a decent punch, so if you’re not a huge fan of heat, make sure you get them all out.
11. Spoon the pork mixture evenly into all of the peppers.

12. Bake the peppers for about 8 minutes at 350F. Your oven should still be hot from broiling, so it should only take a minute for it to get to this temperature.

13. Remove from the oven and serve! Optionally, add cheese for more fats. They get cold relatively quickly, so make sure you serve them up quick – enjoy!


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