Baked: Sweet Potato Bread with Pumpkin Seeds

A delicious whole wheat bread made from sweet potato and pumpkin seeds.


3 cups whole wheat flour
2 cups white flour
2 cups water
1 1/3 cups pepitas
5 tbsps lentils, cooked and mashed
2 tbsps dry yeast
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tbsp salt
2 lbs sweet potatoes


1. Cook and mash the sweet potatoes. Make sure they cool down before mixing in.

2. Roast the pepitas (oven, pan, microwave, whatever works for you).

3. In a mixer, mix everything except the salt and the pepitas. Mix for about 4 minutes, until you get a wet and sticky dough.

4. Add the salt and mix for about 7 minutes, then add the pepitas and mix until the dough is uniform.

5. Knead for 2 minutes in a large bowl, then cover with a plastic foil and put it in the fridge for 6-10 hours. It should become about 50% bigger.

6. Deflate, cut and put in molds (English cake molds will do). Return to the fridge for 6-10 more hrs, it should become 50% bigger again. If it doesn't, leave it at room temp for 1-2 hours.

7. Bake at 430° F (220° C) on the lowest part of the oven for about 35 minutes.


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