Lunch: Macaroon Ice Cream Torte Recipe


30 chocolate or plain macaroon cookies, crumbled
1 quart coffee ice cream, softened if necessary
1 quart chocolate ice cream, softened if necessary
1 cup milk chocolate toffee bits or 4 (1.4 ounces) Heath candy bars, coarsely chopped
Hot fudge topping, warmed


Sprinkle a third of the cookies into an ungreased 9-in. springform pan. Layer with 2 cups coffee ice cream, another third of the cookies, 2 cups chocolate ice cream and 1/2 cup toffee bits; repeat layers.
Freeze, covered, until firm. May be frozen up to 2 months. Remove torte from freezer 10 minutes before slicing. Serve with fudge topping.


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