Dinner: Penne with Tomato Pesto and Smoked Mozzarella

Recipe by Joan Lang Tomatoes keep the fulfilling umami coming. We added almonds to up the slim-down factor: Dieters who ate the nuts daily lost 56 percent more fat than those who didn't, a study from Loma Linda University finds; the nuts' fiber may preve


1/4 cup almonds
2 cups loosely packed fresh parsley
12 sun-dried tomato halves
2 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 pound smoked mozzarella, diced
1/2 pound whole-wheat penne


In a small pan over medium heat, toast almonds until golden brown, 5 minutes. In a food processor, pulse almonds, parsley, tomatoes, garlic and oil until slightly chunky. Pour into a bowl; season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add mozzarella; toss to combine. Cook pasta as directed on package; drain and toss immediately with pesto.


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