Dessert: Chocolate Brownie Shake

A double-chocolate shake becomes even more decadent with the addition of a brownie!


1/2 cup chocolate syrup, plus extra for top
3 cups chocolate ice cream
1 (2 inch) square brownie
1 1/2 cups whole milk
1 can whipped cream, or homemade, for topping
1 maraschino cherry, long-stemmed, for topping
chocolate, shaved, for topping
mint, for topping


Squeeze the chocolate sauce around the inside of a milkshake glass.
Add the chocolate ice cream, brownie (reserving some crumbs) and milk to a blender and blend until smooth.
Pipe the whipped cream on the shake using a pastry bag fitted with a star tip and drizzle with some extra chocolate sauce, brownie crumbs, shaved chocolate, fresh mint and a cherry.


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