Lunch: Puttanesca-Style Panzanella


2 pounds plum tomatoes, coarsely chopped
1 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves
1 medium red onion, chopped
1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
1/2 loaf stale peasant bread
3/4 cup oil-cured black olives, pitted and chopped


For the salad: Combine the tomatoes, parsley, onions and bell peppers. For the dressing: Whisk together the EVOO, vinegar, anchovy paste, garlic, chile pepper and lemon juice in a bowl. Pour water over the bread, then wring out the loaf and tear it into bite-size pieces. Toss the bread, vegetable mixture and olives with the dressing. Serve. Cook's Note: Wrap the bread loosely in foil overnight so it becomes stale and a little hard (if it goes too far, place it in a plastic bag overnight). If you are making the salad ahead of time, you can combine the vegetables and parsley in a resealable plastic bag and refrigerate them. Pit and chop the olives and return them to their container in the refrigerator. Store the dressing in the refrigerator and bring it to room temperature before using.


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