Dinner: Bacon & Mozzarella Meatballs

Cook Time: 45 mins


1 1/2 lb. Ground Beef
4 Slices Bacon
1 Cup Mozzarella Cheese
3/4 Cup Pesto Sauce
1/3 Cup Crushed Pork Rinds
2 Large Eggs
1 tsp. Pepper
2 tsp. Minced Garlic
1/2 tsp. Onion Powder
1/2 tsp. Kosher Salt


1. Preheat your oven to 350F.
2. Add your pork rinds (about 1/3 of a bag) to the food processor.
3. Pulse the pork rinds until they are crushed completely. We will be using these to bind the meatballs together.
4. Chop the bacon into small pieces. Almost cube like so that it can cook at the same temperature as the beef.
5. Place your bacon in a large mixing bowl.
6. Add your ground beef to the mixture. Don’t touch it just yet.
7. Add your crushed pork rinds on top of the ground beef.
8. Add your mozzarella cheese to the ground beef.
9. Measure out your pepper, garlic, onion powder, salt and eggs. Add them to the ground beef mixture – this is where the fun begins.
10. Mix everything together well using your hands. This is going to get messy, but you’ll be using your hands to roll out the meatballs so don’t worry.
11. Roll your meatballs out and rest them in a foiled baking tray.
12. Make sure your meatballs are spread out evenly to allow proper cooking. Some grease and cheese will seep out of the meatballs so you don’t want them to get stuck together.
13. Cook them in the oven for 40-45 minutes. It may need longer if you made larger meatballs.
14. Let them cool for 5 minutes or so, and remove them from the grease filled tray.
15. Serve with presto sauce on each!


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