Dinner: Southern Shrimp and Grits Recipe


2 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth
2 cups 2% milk
1/3 cup butter, cubed
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
3/4 cup uncooked old-fashioned grits
1 cup (4 ounces) shredded cheddar cheese


In a large saucepan, bring the broth, milk, butter, salt and pepper to a boil. Slowly stir in grits. Reduce heat. Cover and cook for 12-14 minutes or until thickened, stirring occasionally. Stir in cheese until melted. Set aside and keep warm.
In a large skillet, cook bacon over medium heat until crisp. Remove to paper towels with a slotted spoon; drain, reserving 4 teaspoons drippings. Saute the shrimp, garlic and seasoning in drippings until shrimp turn pink. Serve with grits and sprinkle with onions.


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