Lunch: Chicago Hot Dog Recipe | MyRecipes


4 97% fat-free beef franks
12 strips tomato
4 thin slices cucumber
4 toasted white-wheat hot dog buns
8 tablespoons diced white onion
2 tablespoons sweet pickle relish
8 teaspoons mustard


Preheat grill to medium heat. Place 4 (97% fat-free) beef franks on grill rack coated with cooking spray; grill, covered, 10 to 15 minutes, turning frequently until done. Place 3 strips tomato, 1 thin slice cucumber, and 1 frank in each of 4 toasted white-wheat hot dog buns. Top each frank with about 2 tablespoons diced white onion, about 1/2 tablespoon sweet pickle relish, and about 2 teaspoons mustard.


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