Lunch: Mexican Rolled Flank Steak

Recipe by Woman's Day Kitchen After you've mastered the art of the roll, this beef dish couldn't be simpler—or more deliciously savory, with a filling of cornbread stuffing tossed with chunky tomato salsa and fresh cilantro.


1 flank steak
1 box cornbread stuffing mix
1 c. thick and chunky salsa
1/4 c. chopped fresh cilantro


Ask your butcher to butterfly the flank steak, or you can do it yourself: Lay meat on a cutting board with the grain running vertically. Using a long, sharp knife, cut the meat almost in half, opening it like a book but stopping before going all the way through. Cut several 12-in. pieces of kitchen twine and space evenly under steak.
Toss cornbread stuffing with 1 cup boiling water and 1/2 cup salsa until moistened; stir in cilantro. Spread over steak, leaving about 1 inch along edges. Roll steak starting from a long side, jelly-roll style; tie with twine.
Place seam side down in a 6-qt oval slow-cooker. Spoon remaining 1/2 cup salsa over meat. Cover and cook on low 8 to 10 hours.
Remove steak to a cutting board; let rest 10 minutes. Discard cooking liquid. Remove string and cut steak into 1/2-in.-thick slices. Serve with additional salsa, if desired.


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