Breakfast: Banana Smoothies

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Wheat Germ, Honey

Health and fertility benefits of Banana Smoothies

Wheatgerm is a natural source of Inositol, which is often prescribed in the form of supplements for women with PCOS due to its ability to effectively reduce insulin resistance and improve insulin sensitivity. One tbsp of honey has a glycemic index (GI) of 55.


2 ripe bananas, cut into 1-inch chunks
1/2 cup plain yogurt
1 cup fresh orange juice
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons wheat germ
2 cups crushed ice


Combine the bananas with the yogurt, orange juice, honey, wheat germ and crushed ice in a blender. Blend at high speed until smooth and frothy. Adjust the sweetness with more honey or orange juice and serve.


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