Dessert: Cranberry Swirl Cheesecake Bars

Recipe by Frank P. Melodia These creamy cheesecake bars are made with cranberry sauce on an orange crust. Their colorful, marbled appearance and amazing richness make them perfect for parties or as a very impressive bake sale item.


1 3/4 c. all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
3/4 c. unsalted butter
1/2 tsp. grated orange zest
1/2 c. granulated sugar
Yolk from 1 large egg
1 tsp. vanilla extract


Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Line 13- by 9-inch baking pan with foil, extending foil 2 inches beyond pan at both ends. In a medium bowl, whisk flour, baking powder, and salt.
Beat butter and remaining mixture of ingredients with the paddle attachment of a mixer on medium speed until soft and creamy, about 2 minutes. On low speed, beat in flour mixture, scraping sides of the bowl until dough comes together. Drop small clumps of dough evenly into prepared pan. With floured fingers, press dough into even layer.
Bake 20 minutes or until surface is golden and set. Remove crust, keeping the oven on.
Reduce oven temperature to 325 degrees F.
Use the paddle attachment of a mixer on medium speed to beat cream cheese and sugar until creamy and smooth. On low speed, beat in eggs, then sour cream, flour, and vanilla until blended and smooth.
Whisk cranberry sauce in a small bowl until smooth. Stir in 3 tablespoons of the cheesecake batter until blended. Pour the remaining white batter over the warm crust, then spoon small dollops of the cranberry batter over the white batter and drag a small spatula across the surface until it looks marbled.
Bake 36 minutes or until surface looks dry and is set. Cool completely in pan on a wire rack. Refrigerate at least 2 hours or until firm and cold.
Lift ends of foil to transfer to a cutting board. Cut lengthwise into 6 equal strips, about 1 1/2 inches wide. Cut each strip into 6 bars.


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