Snack: Yummy Mummy with Veggie Dip Recipe


1 loaf (1 pound) frozen bread dough, thawed
3 pieces string cheese
2 cups (16 ounces) sour cream
1 envelope fiesta ranch dip mix
1 pitted ripe olive
Assorted crackers and fresh vegetables


Let dough rise according to package directions. Place dough on a greased baking sheet. For mummy, roll out dough into a 12-in. oval that is narrower at the bottom. For the neck, make an indentation on each side, about 1 in. down from the top. Let rise in a warm place 20 minutes.
Preheat oven to 350 °. Bake 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Arrange strips of string cheese over bread; bake 1-2 minutes longer or until cheese is melted. Remove from pan to a wire rack to cool.
Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine sour cream and dip mix. Chill until serving.
Cut mummy in half horizontally. Hollow out bottom half, leaving a 3/4-in. shell. Cut removed bread into cubes; set aside. Place bread bottom on a serving plate. Spoon dip into shell. Replace top. For eyes, cut olive and position on head. Serve with crackers, vegetables and reserved bread.


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