Drink: Rye Witch

Recipe by Jim Meehan Rye whiskey, oranges, and Sherry mingle in this incomparably smooth drink. Squeezing an orange peel over the top adds an extra boost of flavor.


1 1/2 cups Kentucky rye whiskey (such as Rittenhouse Bottled-in-Bond or Wild Turkey)
3 tablespoons Strega (herbal liqueur)
3 tablespoons Amontillado Sherry (such as Lustau or González Byass Del Duque)
2 tablespoons No-Cook Simple Syrup
12 dashes orange bitters
12 orange twists


Combine first 5 ingredients in a large pitcher. Add ice; stir for 15-20 seconds. Strain the mixture into 6 chilled coupe glasses. Pinch an orange twist over each drink, then rub around rims of glasses to release oils from peel; discard peel. Garnish each with a fresh twist.


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