Lunch: Striped Ribbon Sandwiches

Recipe by Elizabeth J. Taliaferro These striped ribbon sandwiches are the perfect finger food for a holiday party, wedding shower or any get-together. Make them ahead and cover sandwiches with a slightly damp paper towel and plastic wrap, and place in an


Vegetable cooking spray
2 1/2 cups chopped red bell pepper
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
3/4 cup seeded and coarsely shredded peeled cucumber
1/2 cup nonfat cream cheese
1/2 cup (2 ounces) crumbled blue cheese
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground red pepper
16 (1/2-ounce) slices very thin white bread
8 (1/2-ounce) slices very thin whole-wheat bread
Parsley sprigs (optional)


Coat a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray; place over medium-high heat until hot. Add bell pepper and onion; sauté 4 minutes or until tender. Combine bell pepper mixture, tomato paste, 1/8 teaspoon salt, and black pepper in food processor, and process until smooth. Return mixture to skillet, and cook over medium-high heat 3 minutes or until thickened. Spoon mixture into a bowl, and let cool; cover and chill.
Place cucumber on several layers of paper towels; cover with additional paper towels, pressing until barely moist. Combine the cream cheese, blue cheese,1/8 teaspoon salt, and ground red pepper in a small bowl, stirring until smooth. Stir in cucumber; cover and chill.
Spread 2 tablespoons bell pepper mixture over each of 8 slices of white bread; top each with a slice of wheat bread. Spread 2 tablespoons cucumber mixture over each slice of wheat bread; top with remaining white bread.
Trim crusts from sandwiches. Cut each sandwich into quarters, making rectangles, squares, or triangles. Garnish with parsley sprigs, if desired.
Note: If made ahead, cover sandwiches with a slightly damp paper towel and plastic wrap, and place in an airtight container.


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