Lunch: Rotelle with Roasted Zucchini and Italian Sausage

Can be prepared in 45 minutes or less.


2 1/2 pounds zucchini, scrubbed and sliced thin crosswise
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 pounds fresh Italian sausage
1/4 cup loosely packed fresh mint leaves, minced, or 2 teaspoons dried mint combined with 1/4 cup minced fresh parsley leaves
2/3 cup plain yogurt at room temperature
1/2 pound rotelle (corkscrew-shaped pasta) or penne (quill-shaped pasta)


Arrange the zucchini in a jelly-roll pan, drizzle it with the oil, and roast it in the middle of a preheated 450 °F. oven, stirring occasionally, for 15 to 20 minutes, or until it is golden. While the zucchini is roasting, discard the casings from the sausage, in a heavy skillet cook the meat over moderate heat, stirring and breaking up the lumps, until it is no longer pink, and transfer it with a slotted spoon to paper towels to drain. In a large bowl stir together the zucchini, the sausage, the mint, the yogurt, and salt and pepper to taste. In a kettle of boiling salted water boil the rotelle until it is al dente, drain it well, and toss it with the zucchini mixture.


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