Snack: Spicy Cajun Skewers with Spicy Buffalo Dipping Sauce


4 wooden skewers
1 qt vegetable oil


Preheat vegetable oil in a large pot over mediumhigh heat. Soak skewers in water about 30 minutes. For the cajun marinade:Combine marinade ingredients in a small bowl; set aside. For the hush puppy batter:Make the hush puppy batter: Whisk cornmeal, flour, sugar, salt, pepper, egg, buttermilk, and scallions in a large bowl; batter should be thick. Once oil reaches 350degreesF, carefully drop large (2-ounce) spoonfuls of batter into pot and fry about 5 minutes. (Work in batches.) Drain hush puppies on paper towels and season with additional salt and pepper to taste. For the dipping sauce:While hush puppies are draining, whisk hot sauce and butter in a small bowl. Slide 1 hush puppy onto a skewer, followed by 1 shrimp, 1 okra pod, 1 slice sausage, 1 potato, another piece of shrimp, and another hush puppy; repeat with remaining skewers and ingredients. Brush liberally with Cajun marinade. Heat grill or grill pan to medium-high and brush with olive oil. Grill skewers 4 to 5 minutes per side. Serve warm, accompanied by dipping sauce.


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