Lunch: Duhallow Cheese and Grits Soufflé

Duhallow (a buttery, creamy new semi-soft farmhouse cheese out of County Cork Ireland) is added to tender grits and baked to create a mouthwatering soufflé — all you need for a wholesome lunch.


2 1/2 c. whole milk
1 c. coarse white grits
8 tbsp. unsalted butter
3 c. Duhallow or mild Cheddar cheese
4 large eggs


Add milk and 2 1/2 cups water to a heavy, medium saucepan; bring to a boil over medium heat. Whisk in grits, and simmer 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to the lowest setting possible; cover and cook until grits are creamy and tender, stirring frequently, about 1 hour (time will vary depending on grits; add hot water if they are getting too thick).
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Transfer grits to a large bowl and cool slightly. Stir in butter and cheese; season to taste with salt and pepper. Stir in egg yolks.
Using an electric mixer, beat egg whites with a pinch of salt to stiff peaks. Fold into grits. Transfer to a large buttered ovenproof dish and bake until golden, about 45 minutes. Serve immediately.


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