Lunch: Hot Brown Panini Recipe | MyRecipes

Recipe by Julie Morgan, Danbury, North Carolina This richly delicious sandwich was inspired by reader Julie Morgan's recipe for a Kentucky classic.


2 tablespoons melted butter
16 (1/2-inch-thick) Italian bread slices
1 cup (4 oz.) shredded Swiss cheese, divided
3 cups chopped cooked chicken or turkey
4 plum tomatoes, sliced
3 cups warm White Cheese Sauce, divided
13 cooked bacon slices, crumbled


Brush melted butter evenly on 1 side of 16 bread slices. Place, butter sides down, on wax paper.
Sprinkle 1 Tbsp. Swiss cheese on top of each of 8 bread slices; top evenly with chicken, tomato slices, and 1 cup warm White Cheese Sauce. Sprinkle with bacon and remaining cheese, and top with remaining bread slices, butter sides up.
Cook sandwiches, in batches, in a preheated panini press 2 to 3 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with remaining 2 cups warm White Cheese Sauce for dipping.


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