Lunch: Vietnamese Prawn Rolls

The rolls can be made at the table by each diner, or ahead of time and stored in the fridge for up to 3 hours.


1 1/2 oz. rice vermicelli noodles
1/4 small Napa cabbage
1/2 c. loosely packed fresh mint leaves
2 tsp. brown sugar
2 tbsp. lime juice
1 lb. medium king prawns
12- by 8-inch rice paper rounds


Combine chopped vermicelli in medium bowl with cabbage, mint, sugar and juice.
Shell and devein prawns; chop meat finely.
Meanwhile, make hoisin dipping sauce. Combine ingredients in bowl.
Dip one rice paper round into bowl of warm water until soft; place on board covered with tea towel. Top with a little of the prawn meat and noodle filling. Fold and roll to enclose filling. Repeat with remaining rounds, prawn meat and noodle filling.
Serve rolls with hoisin dipping sauce.


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