Dessert: Strawberry Shortcake Pops

Recipe by Lindsay Funston You need to try these.


1 gal. strawberry ice cream
1 1/2 c. freeze-dried strawberrie
1/2 box Nilla wafers
2 tbsp. melted butter


In a pop mold, spoon strawberry ice cream until molds are filled. Insert a pop stick and freeze 5 hours.
Once frozen, make shortcake crumb coating: In a large Ziploc bag, crush freeze-dried strawberries and Nilla Wafers. Stir in melted butter and stir until combined.
When ready to serve, place crumb coating on a plate and coat each pop, pressing to adhere crumbs. (This step can be done ahead.)
Serve immediately. (Or stash in the freezer for later.)


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