Lunch: Roast Beef with Creamy Horseradish Sauce

Lean meats like this roast beef can make a great holiday entrée that the whole family will love.


Roast Beef
1 ½ tablespoons cracked black pepper
2 teaspoons kosher salt
5 garlic cloves, finely minced
1 (3-pound) sirloin tip roast or bottom round roast, all excess fat removed (leave at room temperature for 15 minutes before roasting)

Creamy Horseradish Sauce
2 cups nonfat sour cream
½ cup peeled, grated fresh horseradish or prepared horseradish
¼ cup coarse Dijon mustard


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Combine the black pepper, salt, and garlic, and rub all over the roast. Place the meat in a large roasting pan. Roast the meat for about 20 minutes. 
Reduce the heat to 325 degrees F, and bake for about 50 additional minutes or until a meat thermometer inserted in the roast registers 140 degrees F for medium rare. Cook longer if desired.
Remove the roast from the oven. Cover loosely with foil, and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Cut the meat across the grain into thin slices. 
Combine the ingredients for the horseradish sauce, and serve with the sliced beef.


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