Breakfast: Perfect Cup of Bulletproof Coffee


2 Cups Coffee
2 Tbsp. Grass Fed Unsalted Butter
2 Tbsp. Organic Coconut Oil (or MCT oil)
1 Tbsp. Heavy Cream (Optional)
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract (Optional)


1.Brew 2 cups worth of coffee into a large container. I used a measuring cup just because I wanted something that was see-through (for your benefit). I have the Keurig Brewed K-Cup Drawer to help with organization.
2.Grab your butter, coconut oil, and immersion blender. You can mix this in a regular blender if you want to, but I feel like it’s more hassle than it’s worth in a normal blender.
3.Cut off 2 Tbsp. of grass fed butter. I’m surprised at how few people use the packages markings – just cut into it, they work!
4.Drop your butter into the coffee and watch it ooze.
5.Measure out 2 Tbsp. of coconut oil (or MCT oil) and plunk that it into your coffee also.
6.Measure out 1 tsp. of vanilla extract and add it to the coffee.
7.Last but not least, the 1 Tbsp. of Heavy Cream. This adds a great creaminess to the coffee.
8.Mix it all together very well.
9.It will be a bit frothy on the top, but your bulletproof coffee is finished!
10.Measure it out into your favorite mug and drink away!


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