Dessert: Baked Flaxseed Crab Cakes

Recipe by Drew Ramsey, M.D. You don’t have to book a reservation at your favorite seafood house to dig into flaky crab cakes—just make these simple ones in your broiler at home! Crab is an overlooked superfood, low in calories and high in complete protei

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Romaine Lettuce, Hemp Seeds

Health and fertility benefits of Baked Flaxseed Crab Cakes

Romaine lettuce contains chromium, which helps maintain normal blood glucose levels by making insulin more efficient. The chromium in romaine lettuce also promotes weight loss due to its ability to help control cravings, reduce hunger, and control fat in the blood. Hemp seeds are high in gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an essential omega-6 fatty acid that is believed to naturally balance hormones.


Olive oil cooking spray
1 pound lump crabmeat
4 scallions, chopped
2 tablespoons fresh herbs such as dill, chives, or tarragon
1/2 cup olive oil–based mayonnaise
1/4 cup ground flaxseeds
1/4 cup quick-cooking rolled oats
2 tablespoons hemp seeds
1/2 teaspoon seafood seasoning such as reduced-sodium Old Bay
1/2 pound romaine lettuce
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar


Position a rack in the center of the oven. Coat a baking sheet with olive oil cooking spray.
Pick through the crabmeat to make sure there aren’t any shells. Set aside.
Put the scallions, fresh herbs, mayonnaise, and flaxseeds in a large bowl and stir well to combine. Add the crabmeat and give it a gentle toss.
Place the oats, hemp seeds, and seafood seasoning on a plate. Toss with your fingers to mix.
Form the crabmeat mixture into four 4-inch-wide patties and press into the oat-seed mixture. Transfer to the prepared baking sheet. Mist the tops with olive oil cooking spray and transfer to the oven. Broil for 3 –5 minutes until the tops are golden.
Place the romaine in a large bowl along with the olive oil and the vinegar and toss well. Divide the romaine salad among four plates. Top each plate with two crab cakes and serve immediately.


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