Snack: Mexican Wedding Cookies

Recipe by Camille Styles In blogger Camille Styles' home, these cookies were a Christmas Eve staple.


2 stick unsalted butter
1 1/2 c. confectioner's sugar
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
2 c. all-purpose flour
1 c. finely chopped pecans
1/2 tsp. kosher salt


Preheat the oven to 350˚F and line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
In the bowl of a standing mixer on medium-high speed, beat the butter with 1/2 cup of the confectioners’ sugar until light and fluffy. Add the vanilla and beat to combine. With the mixer on low, gradually add the flour, pecans, and salt until the dough comes together.
Scoop out the dough by the tablespoonful and use your hands to roll it into balls. Place the balls 1 inch apart on the prepared baking sheets.
Bake for 15 minutes, watching closely, until cookies are set but before they begin to turn brown. Immediately transfer the cookies to a wire rack and let cool for 10 minutes.
Place the remaining powdered sugar in a shallow dish. Roll the warm cookies in sugar to coat, then return them to the rack to cool completely.
Once cool, roll the cookies in confectioners’ sugar once again. Store them in an airtight container.


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