Lunch: Salad Tacos


16 whole Taco Shells
2 pounds Ground Beef
3 Tablespoons Taco Seasoning
1 can (4 Ounce) Tomato Paste
Salt To Taste
1 can (14.5 Ounce) Beans (kidney, Pinto, Chili), Undrained
1/2 cup Hot Water
1 head Green Leaf Lettuce, Sliced Very Thin
1 cup Grape Tomatoes, Halved (or Diced Regular Tomatoes)
1 cup Grated Cheese (cheddar, Jack, Or Cheddar/jack)


Heat taco shells according to package directions. Set aside.
Brown ground beef until fully cooked. Drain excess fat, then add taco seasoning, tomato paste, beans, and hot water. Stir to combine, then add salt as needed. Keep warm.
To make the dressing, mix together the mayonnaise, sour cream, salsa, ranch mix, and hot sauce. Taste and adjust seasoning, adding salt and pepper if it needs it.
To build the tacos, first fill the shell with plenty of lettuce. Spoon on the meat mixture, then add tomatoes and cheese. Top with a light drizzle of dressing and serve immediately!
Optional: Add a little dressing on top of the lettuce before adding the meat.


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