Lunch: Smoked Trout Salad with Apples and Pecans Recipe | MyRecipes

Recipe by Bill and Cheryl Jamison Rainbow trout is a tender fish with pink flesh and a mild flavor. Substitute any other white fish, or even salmon. You can use other fruit in place of the apples, if you prefer; pears or berries would work nicely.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Smoked Trout Salad with Apples and Pecans Recipe | MyRecipes

Lemons can help to prevent oxidative damage to the body, which women with PCOS are often susceptible to.


2 cups wood chips
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon prepared horseradish
4 (6-ounce) rainbow trout fillets
Cooking spray
1/2 teaspoon salt, divided
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, divided
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1 tablespoon walnut oil or olive oil
1/4 teaspoon chili powder
8 cups mixed salad greens
2 cups thinly sliced Golden Delicious apple (about 1 large apple)
2 cups thinly sliced Braeburn apple (about 1 large apple)
1 cup thinly sliced red onion
2 tablespoons chopped pecans, toasted


Soak wood chips in water 30 minutes, and drain well.
Combine lemon juice, horseradish, and fillets in a large zip-top plastic bag. Seal and marinate in refrigerator 20 minutes, turning bag occasionally.
Prepare grill for indirect grilling, heating one side to low and leaving one side with no heat. Maintain temperature at 200 ° to 225 °.
Place wood chips on hot coals. Place a disposable aluminum foil pan on unheated side of grill. Pour 2 cups water in pan. Coat grill rack with cooking spray; place on grill. Remove fillets from bag; discard marinade. Sprinkle fillets with 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Place fillets on grill rack over foil pan on unheated side. Close lid; cook 30 minutes or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork or until desired degree of doneness.
Combine remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt, remaining 1/4 teaspoon pepper, vinegar, oil, and chili powder, stirring with a whisk. Combine greens, apples, and onion in a large bowl; drizzle with vinaigrette. Toss gently to coat. Remove skin from fillets; discard skin. Break fillets into pieces; serve over salad. Sprinkle with nuts.


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