Lunch: A Quick, Easy Salad


Lettuce, Shredded Or Chopped
Wonton Strips
Shredded White Meat Chicken
Red Wine Vinaigrette
Fresh Ginger, Minced


The salad begins with whatever quantities/ratios you want of the following: shredded/chopped lettuce, fried wonton strips (these can be purchased in bags at Asian markets), and shredded white meat chicken. You can either boil or roast the chicken (chicken breasts would be best) and shred the meat, or you can buy a roasted chicken at your supermarket deli and shred that up.
Make a simple red wine vinaigrette by mixing olive oil (canola oil would work, too), red wine vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, salt, and minced fresh ginger.
Here’s a shortcut: Buy ready made vinaigrette salad dressing at the supermarket. Pour it into your blender. Then chop up some fresh ginger, throw it in the blender with a little soy sauce, and pulse it several times to mix it in with the vinaigrette.
Pour it over the salad and toss away!


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