Lunch: Cherry Bomb Poppers with Maple Bacon


4 strips maple bacon, diced
4 ounces cream cheese, softened
2 ounces shredded mild Cheddar
Canola oil, for frying
12 mild or hot marinated cherry peppers, drained, cut and seeded
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup panko breadcrumbs


Fry the bacon strips until crispy, and then drain on paper towels. Mix together with the cream cheese and Cheddar in a mixing bowl.
Pour about 1 inch of oil into a frying pan and heat to 350 degrees F over medium-high heat. Stuff the cheese and bacon mixture into the peppers using a piping bag. Create a dipping station with the eggs, flour and breadcrumbs. Dredge the cherry peppers in the flour, roll in the eggs, and then roll in the breadcrumbs.
Fry until golden brown, flipping sides. Let drain on a wire rack.


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