Breakfast: Spring Pea And Pea Shoot Omelet

Recipe by /contributors/kimberley-hasselbrink With soft goat cheese, fresh young peas, and delicate pea tendrils, this omelet is an homage to spring.


1 teaspoon unsalted butter
2 large eggs, whisked
Fine sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1/4 cup pea shoots plus more for garnish
1 rounded tablespoon fresh shelled peas plus more for garnish
1 tablespoon goat cheese, crumbled
1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh chives, plus more for garnish
1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves


Heat an 8" skillet over low heat. Add butter and melt. When butter is bubbly, add eggs, along with salt and pepper to taste. Using a heatproof rubber spatula, push outer edge of eggs toward center of pan, then tilt skillet to distribute eggs. Continue this way until eggs have nearly set, which should only take a couple of minutes.
Add pea shoots, peas, goat cheese, chives, and thyme to center of eggs. Turn off heat, cover, and leave for 2 minutes.
To serve, fold half of omelet over filling and slide onto a plate. Garnish with pea shoots, peas, and chives.


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